Saturday, December 03, 2011

A song, a book or film does not have to relate to you for it to be good. It's about how well it expresses or represents the issue.


陳奕迅 - 浮誇

Got attracted to this song because of its unique melody, and later the lyrics. It's quite frustrating to not be able to properly describe what I like about the music. Roughly: It is rather twisted, winds around because of the use of semitones and not just whole notes (eg. compare this with 梁山伯与茱丽叶, feel like this song is the epitome of "simple, straightforward music" - in my opinion, at least -. Basically, songs that are easy to sing/pick up) I think the music and lyrics come together to bring out a sense of confusion and the gulf between 1) what the person wants to do, and 2) what the person HAS to do.

Basically, 好有感覺 !

梁山伯与茱丽叶, for comparison







" 描写一些在生活中,工作上。不出众。又没特色的人。想多得到别人的重视。 一种自卑的精神。"

This performance is far too great.

If anybody gets what I mean. Feel like the pain of inadequacy, having to do things for the mere sake of pleasing others and thus sense of losing oneself has been expressed very well. I noticed Eason Chan has pretty intense performance and makes full use of the stage, props and atmosphere.

I'm afraid of entering the real world, doing things that might betray your own principals and interests.. just to survive.

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